Creative Team Building

Collaborate to create your masterpiece with your team. This is a unique opportunity to explore the creative potential in your team. Forget everything you have been told about painting and being an artist. Teams will combine ideas, colours and strokes in a fun and relaxing environment to bring out your teams' inner Picasso's.

The mystery of the process unfolds in just a few hours as your teams work to create and collaborate their masterpiece. 


What we provide?

- Customisation to meet your company's core values and objectives

- Set up and clean up

- All painting materials (easels, canvas, paints, brushes, aprons, etc)

- A professional artist's encouragement and attention to support the teams throughout the program

-  Artwork you can hang in your office


The Team Building Process


Collide - Split into groups, with each allocated a subject matter

Collaborate - Brainstorm ideas and draft a plan

Create- Apply on canvas ideas with materials provided

Celebrate - Appreciate newly created masterpieces, ready to be hung at the office